Publications in reverse chronological order. For a full list, please check my google scholar.
Learning Visual Representations via Language-Guided SamplingIn CVPR, 2023TL;DR: A picture is worth a thousand words, but a caption can describe a thousand images. We use language models to find image pairs with similar captions, and use them for stronger contrastive learning.
Self-Supervised Correspondence Estimation via Multiview RegistrationIn WACV, 2023TL;DR: Self-supervised correspondence estimation struggles with wide-baseline images. We use multiview registration and SE(3) transformation synchronization to leverage long-term consistency in RGB-D video
UnsupervisedR&R: Unsupervised Point Cloud Registration via Differentiable RenderingIn CVPR, 2021 (Oral)TL;DR: Can we learn point cloud registration from RGB-D video? We propose a register and render approach that learns via minimizing photometric and geometric losses between close-by frames.
Novel Object Viewpoint Estimation through Reconstruction AlignmentIn CVPR, 2020TL;DR: Humans can not help but see 3D structure of novel objects, so aligning their viewpoints becomes very easy. We propose a reconstruct-and-align approach for novelobject viewpoint estimation.
A Computational Exploration of Problem-Solving Strategies and Gaze Behaviors on the Block Design Task.In CogSci, 2016TL;DR: We present a computational architecture to model problem-solving strategies on the block design task. We generate detailed behavioral predictions and analyze cross-strategy error patterns.
A Pilot Study of a Modified Bathroom Scale To Monitor Cardiovascular Hemodynamic in PregnancyJournal of the American College of Cardiology, 2016TL;DR: We use ballistocardiogram measurements extracted from a modified bathroom scale to analyze maternal cardiovascular adaptation during pregnancy for low-cost detection of preeclampsia.